Monday, March 19, 2012

Sailor Mars

I really love this picture by Naschi.  Not because of the colors, but more for the character. Her name is Rei Hino from Sailor Moon, an old anime that I use to watch. She was and still is my favorite character from the show. Rei is fierce and a bit bossy, but she has a very kind heart.

I also live the color. Red is by far my favorite color, which I believe describes my personality. I have always seen myself as very similar to Rei. Not too mean or too bossy, but enough for people to know when I’m not in a good mood. I am tough but not unbreakable.

The thing with this picture is that I think it represent Sailor Mars’ personality. The flames in the back are fierce, but not over the top. They show that she is a strong and calm person. She is most of the time anyways. Her expression shows that she is playful and maybe even a bit sneaky. I don’t like how they did the face. It is too childish and there is way too much blush on the cheeks. It’s almost as if they are saying she ‘s a kid, but in truth, she is not.

The movement of her clothes and the flames give off a wild feeling. It is almost like she is tame, but also not. This is very close to how she actually is. Rei sometimes jumps into action rather than thinking first. She prefers getting things done with quick to get back to what she was doing before hand. 


  1. i remember watching this when i was little i don't know if i liked it but i didn't care i just wanted to watch tv
